We have heard about the air diet before, where you just pretend to eat food, but eating really air.
However, this is another IDEA: you actually eat food that has a higher content of air. By eating foods that are pumped or whipped, you can actually reduce your total calorie intake?
Light whipped butter: It has an average of only 5 Grams of fat per tablespoon, which is about half of the amount of your average spread. And when you buy whipped butter, you can be sure that you buy a more natural product. The only difference is that air is whipped to the butter, and therefore you eat less calories.
Meringue: These tasty treats are basically just whipped egg whites with sugar added, and then baked. Meringues are some of the brightest cookie or baked dessert treats on the shelves. They have, however, still a high sugar content.
Ice Cream: Have you noticed how the slow codify and light ice creams, weigh a lot less than you default creamy ice cream? The slow conveyor belt or whip is to give a lighter, more airy texture, resulting in fewer calories.
Popcorn: this is a great weight loss snack when you require something salty or crunchy, because you can eat three full cups of only around 100 calories (for the lighter versions). Any popped or pumped foods such as popcorn allows you to eat more of less calories.
Pumped cereals: There are a number of cereals like puffed wheat and grains, as have larger Rjd123 for this add-on is serving sizes.
Pumped Crackers and Chips: Unfortunately, these are not pumped enough to lead to substantial calorie differences from the real item.
So the question is, would you really want to pay for products filled with air? It is effective in helping you reduce your calorie intake? Some foods which whipped butter and popcorn, I think it could be a large calorie control choices. But I am not willing to buy light ice cream to help me to eat less. I have always felt I eat larger portions of the light is no matter, so why not keep to the real thing?
You try to eat any puffed or whipped products to reduce your calories?