Darrens Dieting News & Blog: August 2011

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Eat carefully can help weight loss

empty_plate.jpgMany are always trying to follow a certain diet for weight loss, but we often forget about one of the most important dieting behaviors: conscious eating.

Mindful eating means being fully aware and conscious of your food process. We eat mindlessly when sitting in front of the TV, often rushing out the door in the morning, or simply by following old habits. Mindful eating is the key to stay slim and healthy for life.

Before you think about eating a meal, stop and think about why you eat. Is it really hunger, stress or boredom? In addition, hunger , rate your on a scale of 1 to 10. A means that you are starving and ten means that you are uncomfortable vol. decide what determines your food. Is your schedule or lifestyle? It Is your emotions? Or is it just the presence of food?Fill your plate only half full of food. When you're ready with that plate, take a moment to see how full you feel. Are you still hunger, add food to about 20% of the plate. You can continue doing this until you feel satisfied. Food in smaller bites cut, so that it takes you longer to eat the same amount of food. This allows more time for you to realize when you full. To fully experience meal by smell, taste, and think about every bite of food. If you think you feel hungry, that set a timer for 20 minutes, and then to evaluate again to see if you are still hungry. Sometimes we think we may be hungry, but after drinking some water, or wait a few minutes, you may think otherwise. You can also try set a timer for 20 minutes at the beginning of a meal. Try to take your meal the whole do not rushing twenty minutes and through it.Take a bite of each of the different foods on your plate by "food hopping". By the different bites of different foods to eat, this will help you to slow down and enjoy the various tastes slowly.Make a break and your fork between each bite.You have no other techniques you can carefully eat?

Discover mindful eating source: Megrette by Fletcher, MEd, RD, CDE and Frederick Burg graf, MEd.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Calorie King Fat & Carbohydrate Counter-2011 Diet Guide & Counter

The CalorieKing Calorie, Fat and Carbohydrate Counter is a National Top 100 Best Seller and the most recommended book of its type by health professionals. It's easy to see why!
The book is compiled by Allan Borushek, a dietitian and health educator with over 30 years of clinical experience. His motto is: "Fat Matters, Carbs Count, but, Calories Are King!"
It's a fact that most of us drastically underestimate how much food we eat. One of the main reasons is that we really don't know what's in the food we eat day-in and day-out. Now you can end the guesswork. You will find the calorie, fat and carbohydrate counts for your favorite foods in this convenient, pocket-sized, and colorful book.

  • 2011 Edition is the most up-to-date book of food counts available

  • Contains unique food data that is not available elsewhere

  • Has 11,000 food listings, including 200 fast food chains and restaurants

  • Contains international foods, carnival foods and fair foods

  • Uses color coding to make it quick and easy to find what you're looking for

  • Is rated #1 by health professionals and consumers

  • Is used as a resource for numerous government studies on obesity and by diabetes and other health educators"The CalorieKing Calorie, Fat and Carbohydrate Counter" contains bonus counters and practical guides, including weight control tips, information on unexplained weight gain, essential portion control information, advice for overweight children, hints to reduce fat, calorie and carbohydrate intake, plus specialized guides on diabetes, glycemic index, calcium, protein, cholesterol, fiber, sodium, iron, caffeine and high blood pressure.
    (Formerly called "The Doctor's Pocket Calorie, Fat & Carbohydrate Counter")

  • Price:

    Click here to buy from Amazon

    Monday, 29 August 2011

    Eat more air helps with weight loss?

    We have heard about the air diet before, where you just pretend to eat food, but eating really air.
    However, this is another IDEA: you actually eat food that has a higher content of air. By eating foods that are pumped or whipped, you can actually reduce your total calorie intake?

    Light whipped butter: It has an average of only 5 Grams of fat per tablespoon, which is about half of the amount of your average spread. And when you buy whipped butter, you can be sure that you buy a more natural product. The only difference is that air is whipped to the butter, and therefore you eat less calories.  

    Meringue: These tasty treats are basically just whipped egg whites with sugar added, and then baked. Meringues are some of the brightest cookie or baked dessert treats on the shelves. They have, however, still a high sugar content.
    Ice Cream: Have you noticed how the slow codify and light ice creams, weigh a lot less than you default creamy ice cream? The slow conveyor belt or whip is to give a lighter, more airy texture, resulting in fewer calories. 

     Popcorn: this is a great weight loss snack when you require something salty or crunchy, because you can eat three full cups of only around 100 calories (for the lighter versions). Any popped or pumped foods such as popcorn allows you to eat more of less calories. 

    Pumped cereals: There are a number of cereals like puffed wheat and grains, as have larger Rjd123 for this add-on is serving sizes. 

    Pumped Crackers and Chips: Unfortunately, these are not pumped enough to lead to substantial calorie differences from the real item.
    So the question is, would you really want to pay for products filled with air? It is effective in helping you reduce your calorie intake? Some foods which whipped butter and popcorn, I think it could be a large calorie control choices. But I am not willing to buy light ice cream to help me to eat less. I have always felt I eat larger portions of the light is no matter, so why not keep to the real thing?

    You try to eat any puffed or whipped products to reduce your calories?